Cogswell Genealogical Research

the Cogswell surname

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The digital photographs contained on this web page are of the original parish registers stored at the Wiltshire and Swindon Record Office in Trowbridge (now the Wiltshire and Swindon Archives in Chippenham), Wiltshire, England.  They were taken in May of 2002 (and replace an older set of photographs on this page that were taken in August 1999). 

These images have been edited slightly for clarity to eliminate stray lines from characters appearing in the entries before and after the one shown. 

image from the parish register
Note:  The spelling of Elizabeth’s maiden name is recorded here as “Thomson” (compare sweeping style of the “s” in both their surnames), not “Thompson” as is frequently reported elsewhere.  This is consistent with all references to her father, Vicar William Thomson, in the Westbury parish registers. 

10 Sep 1615, marriage of “John Cogswell” and “Elizabeth Thomson”

image from the parish registerchild #1
Note:  “filia” is Latin for “daughter”

15 Sep 1616, baptism of “Elizabetha Cogswell”

image from the parish registerchild #2
Note:  “filia” is Latin for “daughter”

24 Jul 1618, baptism of “Maria Cogswell”

image from the parish registerchild #3
Note:  “filius” is Latin for “son”
The day of this baptism is not included in the entry. 

Mar 1619/20, baptism of “Willimi Cogswell”

image from the parish registerchild #4
Note:  “filius” is Latin for “son”

25 Jul 1622, baptism of “Johannes Coggeswell”

image from the parish registerchild #5
Note:  “filia” is Latin for “daughter”
Note:  Day of the month is Roman Numerals “ii”

2 Jul 1624, baptism of “Phyllis Cogswell”

image from the parish registerchild #6
Note:  This entry is the first child of John and Elizabeth where the relationship is shown in English rather than in Latin.

6 Apr 1626, baptism of “Hanna Coggswell”

image from the parish registerchild #7
Note:  Day of the month is Roman Numerals “ii”

2 May 1628, baptism of “Heaster Coggswell”

image from the parish registerchild #8
Note:  Day of the month is Roman Numerals “xvi”

16 Apr 1630, baptism of “Edward Coggswell”

image from the parish registerchild #9
Note:  Day of the month is Roman Numerals “xxix”

29 Sep 1631, baptism of “Alice Cogswell”

image from the parish registerchild #10
Note:  Day of the month is Roman Numerals “xxviii”

28 Nov 1633, baptism of “Ruth Coggswell”